Good People, Good Talents, Good Music! La Rock did her thang so sexy shmexy on stage YOU GO GIRL! (shouted me out, sang me "Hello Girls" my favorite) HiiHatts girl was nutts i heard her favorite singer is Modonna you go mama! well they did their thang! &it's humbling kid cam wants his hustle softened on some men wear type shit, MC Mega gave me chills his lyrics were unique he know's how to hype a crowd even speaking of some weird purple zebra infatuations being the small guy stating he's a beast like Noa.. and Curtiss King, whooooa he blew me overboard with his performances cause they were beyond amazing... Will Smith in the house hahahaha him and la rock killed it preforming together and the poetry intro by DANA LOVE knotted my throat...
So i felt so loved the fact that my cupcakes were swaying on necks on stage... to be specific CURTISS KING &LA ROCK! Words can't even explain that feeling, friends genuinely wearing my jewels... Noa james recognizing real... My cousin tagging along.. mine &La Rock's 10 minute photoshoot! HKL HLK... shuuutte, whatever Harbor love in the building... Lala roaming the building without even saying anything! Barely Broke Intellects being present supporting locals.. Being able to be in a room fulla of love... IE love... TO THE FULLEST! Collabs spoken of, and definitely inspired by local artist, ending with a quick sheriff "The Storm on Mars" hustle.. was a night to remember...
"My mom is going around talking about how her hustle is soften. lol. So thank you for those kind words because my fam and gf had nothing but good stuff to say about you and your boyfriend."
-Curtiss King you soften my soul
Glamorous Living Kids
Curtiss King &I
Barely Broke Intellects rolling deep
MC Mega
MC Mega's artwork on hats
Hello Business boys!
over due for new photos... (; we hurt chris' camera arm!
baby &I
Kid Cam
Kid Cam &Corn
Curtiss &La Rock "BADDEST"
Cupcake Swayin' Pt. 1 &GLK Hat
let the intro touch your soul, DANA LOVE
Cupcake Swayin' Pt. 2
Lala la la la la love her.
HLK HKL Unite for the first time, twitter homies
His Mars.