1 time personal charms! for all time favorite people!

fat eyes, nap waves, funk face!

RIGHT NOW: Massive Christmas cupcake/jewelry trays productions
with green tea &honey.. medicine &oreos.. Robitisson &Motrin!

personalize your paper mashe` jewelry trays/bowls for only $10 flat!
me: i need to pop more pills..
Chris: babe! gosh! don't say those kinda things
me: why? it's just Motrin, lmao
I finally got to spend time with my love, yesterday. It was a good day! Note to My Ladies: DO NOT eat salsa when your thinking of getting close! lmao... cuddling + salsa does not equal fiesta in the pants... or does it? well he missed me much hence, his kisses had passion x100 even with salsa breathe! It was a long week i felt like i wasn't ever gonna see him ! We ended up killing time at Barnes catching up on our usual magazines we NEVER buy... ran into a few cousins &homies, slapped stickers as usual... spotted "Dream Plugs" they make great stocking stuffers (; went back to his house... DID NOT do my work like i was suppose to ended up taking drowsy pills..
So, I've been dealing with one of the many ear infections... i always get them... &they are the worst pain. wow ear infections sore body sneezing &cramps "I love this combo! oooh ooooh gimme more!?" Last night i woke up while sleeping at Christian's, i woke up to the worst pop in my ear, then for almost an hour i cried.. waking chris scaring him i think... so i've been looping my meds like every 4-6 hours I'm on the dot making sure i don't miss anything i rather take care of the pain before it comes...
-I'm drowsy..
+fat eyes!
+done with cupcakes for dad's co-workers
+done with peppermint white chocolate
+i found my recipe for spice cake
-I'm drowsy
-lacking a few gifts S:
+/-Christmas Eve at the "Santos'"
++Christmas with christian (;
+Christmas at the "McCool's"
+Nanny Closet shopping...
+thrift store shopping after Christmas in LA
-my ears hurt!
-my ears hurt!
-my ears hurt!
+/- sleeping with medicine make me dream EXTREMELY WEIRD!
++Quick loving
+passionate kisses how i like em
+he missed me much!
++YAY! SAW CLARA TODAY **exchanged gifts, (pink nose ring)
+/-still creating gifts for christmas (; 100% paper mashe` for the lady cousins with bamboos, change &keys!
+warm tea every hour
+Thompson Family, Spice Mini Bunt Cakes in your future! (;
-dido, Best Friend! your like lost in the woods bread man!
yea girl you got major skills! love em!
you so amazing.
feel better giiirl
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